Our services at First Assembly are focused on JESUS. We would love for you to join us and experience His love for yourself. Here’s what to expect…

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Praise and Worship Music

First Assembly’s blend of music creates an atmosphere in which you can worship the Lord as you feel led.  Our choir sings beautiful  hymns, and contemporary Christian songs. The blend of the two is perfect!

After all, our Lord God deserves every ounce of praise we can give. As we humble ourselves in worship and invite His presence, the Lord surrounds us with His goodness. In essence, He inhabits the praises of His people. Worship goes beyond our voices, and lifted hands; worship can be seen in every area of our lives. It’s a heart that is filled with love and is yielded to the Father’s will. Blessed be the Lord.

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Anointed Preaching

Pastor J. Chris Franklin brings an anointed message during Sunday morning’s worship service. Most folks describe his style of ministry as powerful teaching. Alongside him in the bringing of the Word is his wife, Sister Cindy Chesser Franklin. Together they make a dynamic leadership team.


Sunday Worship: 10:30am
Wednesday Bible Study: 6:30pm


First Assembly Wednesday night service is focused on fellowship and going deep into the Word of God. Bible study begins at 6:30 p.m. for all age groups. If you like to dive deep into Bible Study then Wednesday night service is the place to be.